The Missing Passport |

by - 01:34

The story that I'm about to tell might (hopefully) give you chills, but it's the good kinda chills. Ready? Here it goes.

I have an overseas mission trip this coming July and I will be travelling with a team of 12 people. As we are planning to book our flights, I recalled something very important - PASSPORT. I "knew" that I've misplaced it like 3 years ago but since I don't travel overseas much, I kept quiet about it... Mainly because I was saving myself from mummy's wrath. Knowing that I need my passport soon, I started looking for it again in my messy room but I gave up yesterday. I prayed that God would tell me where it is in my dream but nope, nothing. I looked up on the internet on the procedures needed to be done to get a new one and the first thing that I need to do is to make a police report and then present the report to the immigration office and after that, just follow instructions. I was told that the process will be tedious so I plan to make the report today (Sunday) and then go to the immigration office tomorrow.

After church, I went to the police station to find out that it's closed on Sundays. However, there's another one that is open. I went there and the officer said I need to get the report from the previous station that I went. Ahh!! This means I that I need to do whatever needed in one day.

So after I got home, I was just asking God in these exact words, "God, why didn't today go smoothly? Is it because you want to show me where my passport is?" Right after asking, I gained the hope and started searching again. I went to this particular spot where I previously searched over 10 times. Lo and behold, I saw this little red booklet. I took it out. It is my PASSPORT! I was in tears because I'm just so so so grateful that the God I worship is indeed a very good God, a very faithful God, a very REAL God.

Even when I have given up, He has not.

Hope this encouraged you to always trust, have faith and don't give up.

Thank you for reading!


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