The Graduation Eve.

by - 21:53

Finally. Yes! Finally!! After a long SIXTEEN years of (I wouldn't say books) education and learning, I, SHERYN NG, am graduating!! Woo hoo!! Never knew I'd get so hyped up about graduation day. I almost decided not to go. OMG. How can, rite??? So yea, made the right choice and also thanks to my parents' $$$! Went for the rehearsal earlier today and I dunno who was giving the speech but this person said something that is kinda true. There are only 3 most important days in a person's life; 

1. Wedding Day 2. Birth of first baby 3. GRADUATION!! 

My convocation is tomorrow and I'm suppperrr excited!! I even think of what nail colour to put on. Haha I'm vain like dat. So I went shopping alone earlier this morning and bought myself a (needed) white top, (a not so needed) necklace and ring, and a pair of black heels. I love H&M! Such last minute shopping and I still find the perfect stuffs.  

I like this one! But too bad there's no collar...

Haha just had to be a retard. 
Bought this at RM39! Original price was RM59.90 hehe good deal, no?

So yeah. I haven't been blogging for a long time now and I think I've kinda lost touch a bit. Hehe. I am boring myself now. So I guess I'd better not bore you too!  I'll be blogging about tomorrow soon. Stay tuned and here's a sneak peak of how I might look like tomorrow. Hehe more pictures to come! Till then, tata!!

*excuse my messy room* 
*love my heels?*

*can't wait for tomorrow* 

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