by - 18:17

Yooohooooo!!! Actually I very very tired but I'm so excited I need to write this post NOW!!
So this month being my birth-month (BIRTHDAY IN 20 DAYS!), I received a HUGE HUGE HUGE present from my Father upstairs (God. If you're wondering :D). To those who have been reading my posts, I talk quite a lot about me being unemployed and me finding jobs here and there. So let me update you with my current status-no longer unemployed, no longer JOBLESS, no more nagging from parents, no more stress!!! So excited ahhh!! Okay, so I have a friend who works in Hard Rock Hotel Penang and I've always wanted to ask him if there are any positions vacant for me but but but I always very very shy. YES LA SHY! That was why I never wanna ask. But two nights ago, I was talking to my college friend and found out she was going to start work 1st August. OMGsh. That kicked me in the A** like all the "why you so lazy", "why you so useless" thought came into my head. So I suddenly got the kick to start applying for jobs again (which I already applied many many many places ready ok. Don't think I'm THAT lazy. Please.) And I also suddenly so brave to text that friend who works at Hard Rock(HR). So cut the long story short, after I sent my resume, the next morning, one of the director from HR called me and asked me for interview (SEE MY FRIEND SO NICE AND EFFICIENT). I super excited!! This being my third interview, I still scared and nervous la but I prayed. I prayed like mad. So I stayed calm during the whole interview process. And I also got a chance to kinda chit chat with the interviewer just to calm myself down. When I get to talk casually with someone I will sort of be myself more cuz I very chatty one. Hehe. This was also the longest interview I ever had. So she made me take one English test and I scored quite high and she was impressed. So AGAIN, cut the long story short, she said she'll give me a chance cuz I no experience. Ahhh ok. And then I went for medical check up cuz it's required. Took urine test for the FIRST time. Hahahahahaha SO WEIRD! Like filling up the container with some herbal tea from your body. OH NO!! Hahahahahahah I wanted to laugh so badly while doing that. Okay I will spare you the info. So took the report (they wanna see if I'm preggy or not) back to HR and TA DAAAAAA, I'm employed!! So I'll be starting work 4th week of the month. And I'm so excited. And also I really thank God for everything because the timing is perfect. My church having its 48th anniversary this month too and I'm super busy with practices every week until 25th August and I'm only starting after that, so you see, God is really good all the time. :) Just need to be patient and never lose hope in Him. He never fails me and you. So I hope you're also very happy for me hahahahahah BYE BYE!!

Okay, one last thing before I sign off:

Before the interview this morning, my mum saw the pair of flats that I was wearing and went : WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THIS??? Haha my rabbit bit my shoes la ok and I don't wanna wear heels for interview in case I fall down or what. Cuz I clumsy. So after I dropped mum at work, I went to get myself a pair of flats in 5 MINUTES!! And they only cost me RM14.50!! Seeeeee I know I very very smart. Heeee Okay now the real BYE BYEEE!!! 

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