by - 23:17

I call this phase of my life now the fifth phase (finally an adult oh no!). Primary school being PHASE ONE, secondary school, diploma, degree and NOW.

My status: UNEMPLOYED. How it sucks to be called unemployed??!! So I finished my Degree already.  Still waiting for results from my last sem. Before this I wanted to go somewhere far (away from Penang). Like really experience LIFE before I start going into the working world because I'm just TOO NOT READY TO WORK.  Wanted to do social work, help people out-community work. So I told my parents to give me a month to do that before they start nagging me to look for a job. A month plus had passed. I did not do any community work or whatsoever. DO YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL??!! I feel useless okay!! Yea I did ask God (HIM) what should I do.. But I don't seem to get the answer. Nevertheless, going through this one month+, I felt ready-er than before!

I started applying jobs online 3 weeks back, went for a few interviews and now still waiting for their reply. I really wanna do something that I love. But somehow, all the jobs that I applied for did not really fit into what I wanna do. When people ask me what I wanna become, I really don't know how to explain and it sucks. It's not like "I wanna be a manager or a doctor or a teacher or a lawyer" NOOOO I don't know what do people call what I wanna do!! I want to write, but not be a writer I want to write fun stuff like what I'm doing now. I want to travel. I want to explore the world and everything in it. And then write about it. Food, lifestyle, fashion, brands-these things are what I want to write about. So yes, I don't know how I call this person. >:(

Early morning yesterday, I was talking to HIM, asking HIM to like open doors for me to this kinda jobs. I didn't even like beg or what, it was just a very casual convo. Later that evening, my college friend ask if I was keen to be the Content Manager for this new company that he has been working in. And I'm like WHAT ON EARTH IS A CONTENT MANAGER??? Haha! Ok so basically, my job requires me to WRITE. OHHH MY GOSH. WRITE!!! And I don't have to write like formal stuff, I just need to write creatively and it's all like fun stuff. For example, 'What's IN in Penang?' these stuff! OMG. I was very excited. Still am. So I sent my resume and now praying for the best. I really want this. I wanna do what I love. And I don't wanna drag myself to work everyday. I wanna look forward to work! YEAH! SO people, wait for the good news. I know my good God will not fail me. And if I don't get this job, it's okay. Means I have something better waiting for me lah!


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