by - 19:45

HELLO!!! Welcoming myself back to my own blog!!! Heheh. So every Wednesday (their off day), my parents always hope that I'll cook dinner. Coz I used to LOVE cooking for the family until I got super duper lazy lately. Since they've been so persistent, I agreed to cook tonight's dinner! I'm making pizza! Yeah!!

With zero knowledge on how to make the pizza sauce, I bought ingredients (by guessing) and come home to Google recipes. So yeah I picked one I liked from YouTube and followed the recipe... Veryy scared it won't turn out tasting like pizza coz I don't have fresh herbs like oregano and basil leaves. But whatever! Never try, never know! 

So I'm making Hawaiian pizza; chicken and beef. I cooked the chicken and beef separately, both with garlic and onion, of course I have already marinated them. And I also put pineapple cubes if not then the pizza won't be Hawaiian. So here are some pictures!! 

(The ingredients)
(Assembled everything on the Pita Bread)
(Into the oven)
(This picture so nice must enlarge a bit!) 

Verdict: Looks greatttt! But tastes super oriental.. Like some Chinese pizza! :( Nevertheless, I'm proud that at least it looks good and alsooo mummy and daddy loved it! YAYYYY!!! 

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